Introducing Golden West Home Watch, a home care/ inspection service.
Golden West Home Watch is a home care/inspection service built around a full program of thorough outside and inside on-site visits to the property.
Our approach
This service is done on an agreed upon schedule of a minimum of once a week to any other regular routine. The essence of our service is to make sure that all areas, and the make-up of those areas, are in working order and up to the standards of the home. Prior to the commencement of these visits, a full outline list of all areas of the residence is made. At each visit the same outlined direction is duplicated so the client knows exactly what is being looked at visit after visit. When the visit is completed the survey program and any comments about the condition of the residence are emailed to the client. If there is anything that needs to be addressed the client is notified and Golden West Home Watch is available and able to oversee the correction of the problem
Pool Service
Peter Yoss, Owner